Monday, March 10, 2014

Symposium on Emerging Technologies: March 8


Mainly the first half of the seminar today was under the theme “Enhancing Health through Technologies” while the second half revolved around the theme “Emerging Technology Surrounding Business Innovations”. 

So to start, the first speaker was Dr. Alfredo San Andres. He mainly discussed about the “Latest Concepts in Oral Health Care” and focused on the term Remineralization. Basically, as explained by Dr. Alfredo, it is the process of returning minerals in the tooth structure. Moreover, Remineralization is used to restore white spot lesions present on the teeth’s surface. This topic really is something new to me, in fact I didn’t even know that this term even exist. For all I know when we talk about teeth the usual terms that comes into my mind are tooth decays and oral prophylaxis. All in all the first speaker did well in sharing some interesting knowledge about his field of work.
Going on to the 2nd speaker, Dr. Eric Camilio Punzalan, he basically talked about “A Healthy Chemiphysical Solution.” From the very start, the speaker really gave me a good impression, for the reason that from the way he talks it’s as if he knows a lot of things. Though I’m not sure of that since I literally do not him but definitely he really speaks well. So moving on, he basically started his talk about Mercury and the negative and/or harmful effect of it. Though supposedly that wasn’t really part of his topic, he briefly explained it in continuation to the concern that he brought up to the first speaker, Dr San Andres.  Right after discussing about Mercury, he then started talking about the evolution of X-RAY and MRI. He also kind of mentioned some concepts of the modern medicine and then discussed about its effects both positive and negative. Overall, the talk was good but I think it’ll be better if he organized his presentation a little and that he should’ve focused more on the Emerging Technologies not much on the current ones.  

So going on to the third and last speaker for the first half, Dr, Jerome Palaganas, his talk was about the :Future of Health” and the corresponding emerging technologies. Among the speakers, what I found most relevant was Dr Jerome’s topic for he was able to balance well his topic in a way that he didn’t focused only on the health side but also he did make sure that he’s also explaining well the IT part. Moreover, the emerging technologies that he presented were all interesting. Though there are also some that I’m already familiar with. But all in all Dr. Jerome Palaganas really did a great job. His topic was simple yet very interesting!

Continuing with the second half, the talks now were focused on the theme Business Innovations. Given that the theme is relevant to my course, I became more eager to listen for I know that it would be possible that I can apply some new things and knowledge that I will learn in this talk in the future.
For the first speaker, Mr Michael Garcia, he talked about the “Emergence of Data Warehousing.” He was able to discuss well what Data Warehousing is and how it can be very important and useful in the business industry today. Also, for us to have a clearer understanding he linked his topic in one of our courses which is DATBAS. He was able to explain well how a  centralized database can help in saving time and effort most especially in storing and retrieving of data. I really liked his topic for it was pretty interesting and related to our course.

The second speaker was Ms. Cecile Ang. She mainly talked about “SWEEP” a loadable contactless and reloadable cash card which is very much similar to BebaPay. Actually, the topic was really interesting but I think the speaker focused more on marketing its product than explaining the technology behind the SWEEP card. Though the talk went really good that she even distributed free cards for us to try.
The last speaker was Mr. Celmer Santos. His topic was about “Emerging Technology Products of Jupiter Systems.” He basically discussed various technologies including RFIDs and QR codes which I believe is not anymore a new thing since it’s really very common that even a smart phone can generate QR codes and at the same time read it. Though these things were already existing technologies the way these were implemented and used was really a different and unique one. Imagine a chip inside a person’s body? Kind of weird and looks very infeasible but somehow can be possible especially in the near future.

With my first day and first learning experience in this symposium I can say that yes it’s tiring since we have to sit all day and listen to different speakers. But definitely I think it’s really worth it; since first we’re able to learn new things and second it’s free of charge!   


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