Saturday, March 8, 2014

EMTECH Symposium: March 7


Today’s basically my first time to attend the symposium and unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the first two talks since it is in conflict with my friday class. But one good thing is that the second speaker that was originally scheduled in the morning wasn’t able to make it which is why he was I think rescheduled or given extra time in the afternoon to conduct his talk. Actually this was an advantage for me for the reason that since the speaker was late I only get to miss two talks rather than three for the day. So going on with the scheduled talks today, all were focused on the theme “Enhancing Health through Emerging Technologies” wherein different speakers with different expertise presented their knowledge about the newest trends and emerging technologies in the field of medicine. 

  So since I missed two seminars, my first speaker was Dr. Carmen Tan. Mainly, she talked about Surface Plasmon Resonance and honestly speaking I didn’t get much from this talk for I think what she’s explaining was too complex which I think was already out of our concern as BSINSYS students. She was explaining chemicals and some other chemicals which I’m not even familiar with. Despite that, I still appreciate her effort especially in at least imparting us some of her knowledge which are definitely new to us. 


   The next speaker was  Dr. Marian Angela Cumagun, which for me was the best speaker so far. Her topic was “Skin Tightening Lasers: What’s New?”, and really it was very very interesting especially for girls like us! She explained well the different treatments and procedures available for skin tightening as well as the corresponding technologies being used. Also, what made her talk even more interesting is that she showed sample pictures of how treatments are done through the use of certain technology and the quick effect of it to the human body. Pictures were all pretty awesome especially seeing the difference of their before and after pictures. All in all her topic was great. She was able to show her expertise in this field and at the same time impart us some knowledge about the current and future trends being used.  


   I really thought I’d miss the chance of seeing this person. But thank God he wasn’t able to make it on the morning session! Dr Gil Nonato Santos, was the last speaker for the day. Back on my high school days I had been hearing a lot of great things about Dr. Nonato from my Science teacher. I really can’t remember specifically what my Science teacher was telling us but I know it’s about something good that’s really worth sharing. But sadly I can’t really remember it. Anyway, so much with flashbacks. So going on, Dr Nonato talked about Nanotechnology in Health. Basically, the concept is applying Nanotechnology to glasses in order to lessen and/or decrease the UV rays that reaches our skin. This concept  was already applied to different businesses such as hospitals, restaurants and the like but I think there is still more about this concept that we need to uncover. We need to utilize this kind of technology for this can really be of a big help and surely we  will all benefit from this.  

  Today was a great day! My head was bombarded with too many new interesting ideas, concepts and learning. All in all, the topics discussed were really nice and the technologies were all great!


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