Saturday, March 29, 2014

Business Intelligence Symposium: March 28

Business Intelligence in Environmental Science

As another make up for my missed seminar, I attended the Business Intelligence Symposium which was conducted by Dr. Wilfredo Licuanan. The talk mainly was about BI in Environmental Science. Basically he discussed about the current status of our country’s coral reefs and in fact the photos that he showed us was somehow an eye-opener especially for students like us. If it wasn’t for the pictures, I won’t really believe that our coral reefs are slowly being destroyed due to human activities.  I’m not really sure why, but maybe because all this time I believed that our coral reefs will never be scarce since my Science teachers back on my elementary and high school days instilled to us that our country’s rich in natural resources that it is impossible for it to be extinct.

                So going back to Dr. Licuanan’s talk, as a part of their Business Intelligence they make use of Hierarchical Sampling to detect and test patterns to be able to generate information for effective monitoring. Also, they make use of Teardrop Tracks, which actually was very interesting. Basically, what this does is that it captures different photographs of coral reefs around the shore and integrates it with the Google Maps for better visualization and accurate tracing of corals. Also as mentioned, this will be used for extrapolating different findings.

                From all the ideas that Dr. Licuanan shared what I liked the most is when he told us that when every time he brings with him his students to the beach to show them the beauty of our coral reefs. He also tell them to bid their last goodbye to these corals for sooner or later this beautiful coral reefs that we have will soon be gone. Sounds so sad but actually its true and probably soon it will happen unless we start caring for our mother earth. 

It's actually about time for us to contribute and help in preserving not only our coral reefs but also everything around us. Because mother earth isn't only made up of coral reefs, she is actually everything that we see.  


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